Heaven, Earth, and Sages in Chinese Late Antiquity

Heaven, Earth, and Sages in Chinese Late Antiquity

Michael Puett - Professor of Chinese History, Department of Civilizations, Harvard University

Friday, September 15, 2006 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Room 211, Hall of Graduate Studies (HGS) See map
320 York Street
New Haven, CT 6511

During the second through fourth centuries, a complex set of debates developed over the nature of antiquity. Who were the ancient sages? Are they a thing of the past? Is it possible for new sages to arise now? Professor Puett’s goal in this paper will be to explore why these debates developed, how they progressed over the course of the late Eastern Han through the Eastern Jin dynasties, and what implications this debate had for later Chinese history.

China, Taiwan, Hong Kong