
May 8, 2019
One Yale professor created a final exam that was itself a “masterpiece.” Another seems to have an “endless reserve of patience.” A third returned...
Puck Engman
May 2, 2019
This year’s anniversaries of the 1919 and 1989 student protests in China will again highlight the Chinese authorities’ contradictory attitudes toward...
Kodo Nishimura applies make up to a student.
April 18, 2019
On April 8 the MacMillan Center’s Council on East Asian Studies welcomed Kodo Nishimura, a queer Buddhist priest and makeup artist, to share his...
April 15, 2019
THESE POSITIONS ARE CLOSED TO FURTHER APPLICATIONS The Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University invites applications for postdoctoral...
April 2, 2019
The Williams Prize is awarded to an undergraduate senior in any department at Yale University for an outstanding paper completed during the current...
February 28, 2019
The Yale University Art Gallery will reveal a new rotation of art objects, titled “Scattered and Gathered: Perspectives on the Tekagami-jō, a...
February 13, 2019
Yale Council on East Asian Studies members and students will be represented at the 2019 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference in Denver...
